Mr. Akshith Kumar, II MSW student, secured 3rd prize in the “Write and Speak” competition organised by Param History Centre, Bangalore

Mr. Akshith Kumar, II MSW student, secured 3rd prize in the “Write and Speak” competition organised by Param History Centre, Bangalore in association with Karnataka Institute of Historical Research Center,…
Street Play Competition Winners

Our students won first prize in the street play competition organized by Dr. Thunagas Manaswini Hospital on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.
Toppers – MSW

Toppers – MSW Ms. Aishwarya – Ist Sem MSW Ms. Anusha – IInd Sem MSW Ms. Indu – IIIrd Sem MSW Ms. Vijina – IVth Sem MSW
K L Bhandary gold medal 2023

K.L Bhandary Gold Medal – 2023 Ms. Vijina. C